Belal Hamideh Law Firm Wants To Help With Your SSD Benefits Claim

Belal Hamideh Law Firm Wants To Help With Your SSD Benefits Claim

The Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits program is one of the US government’s largest programs to assist people with disabilities. If a worker receives an injure or becomes ill, they might not be able to go back to work for a long time. This could make them eligible for SSD benefits. These benefits are paid to those workers who have worked for a sufficiently long period and who have paid Social Security taxes. Belal Hamideh Law firm has experience explaining and ensure their clients receive an compensation they deserve when put in an unfortunate situation. They can assign a workers comp lawyer in Long Beach to help you throughout the process of filing and receiving your SSD benefits claim.

Belal Hamideh Law firm

There’s no doubt that SSD benefits have been life-changing for many people and their families. The problem is that a large number of people have their claims denied every year, even if they are eligible. Applications made to the Social Security Administration (SSA) can be denied because of incomplete information, or because of missing a deadline for an application or appeal. Errors are also common. An attorney can help you negotiate the minefield that can be the SSD application process. An experienced Long Beach personal injury lawyer can help you to boost your chances of a successful application. He or she can help you with your SSD claim by:

Screening before you apply

An attorney will help you to find out if you are eligible to claim for SSD benefits. He or she will collect all the relevant medical information and evidence to support your claim, and then inform you of whether or not you meet the SSA’s definition of disability. Your attorney might ask you to take the Benefits Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST).

This test takes just ten minutes, and your information is kept completely anonymous. The BEST test is not an application for benefits. It just lets you know if you might be eligible for benefits. It is also not a guarantee of any benefits. If you do undertake such a test, make sure that all the information you give is as honest and complete as possible. If the information you give is incorrect, the outcome will be an incorrect estimate of your eligibility for benefits. Having Belal Hamideh Law assist you could improve your chances of applying correctly and receiving your benefits.

Managing the process of your application or appeal

A suitably-experienced attorney will ensure that your application or appeal is complete as well as accurate. He or she will also make sure that all deadlines are adhered to so that your application or appeal is submitted on time. It’s not so easy to keep up with the SSA’s requirements, especially if you are not feeling well.

Allow a Long Beach personal injury lawyer to manage the process of your application or appeal. A timely, accurate and complete application has a far greater chance of succeeding than one that is incomplete, full of errors or late.

Guiding you through the appeals process

If you have already applied for SSD benefits and were declined, you might want to try again. If you think you may deserve benefits, an experienced SSD lawyer can help you. He or she can strengthen your case and file a strong appeal. In fact, an attorney can guide you through the entire process of appealing the SSA’s.

Call Belal Hamideh Law at (888)277-6122 to ask questions or voice concerns about filing for SSD. They have the tools and the knowledge necessary to guide you through the process.

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