Why You Should Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Auto Accident

Why You Should Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Auto Accident

Consult with a injury lawyer if you get sideswiped, have a head-on collision, or even if you have a minor fender bender. Doing so will help you realize a more equitable settlement in these types of cases. Why? Because insurance companies are in the business to make profits. Therefore, they are not focused on paying claims that fully cover a claimant’s damages or injuries. That is why speaking to a personal injury lawyer is important. He or she can support your case and guide you through the process.

Seek Legal Counsel from a Personal Injury Lawyer First

Accident victims often wait until they’ve spoken with an insurance company before they consult with a personal injury attorney. However, it is better to seek legal counsel first. Without legal representation, an insurer may use your conversations to reduce the amount of the claim or to deny it.

Read more about a personal injury lawyer at the Law Offices of Jance M. Weberman.

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